Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps by Richard Rohr Second Edition (Softcover)
The Perfect Gift

Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps by Richard Rohr Second Edition (Softcover)

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The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous is America's most significant and authentic contribution to the history of spirituality, says Richard Rohr. He makes a case that the Twelve Steps relate well to Christian teaching and can rescue people who are drowning in addiction and may not even realize it. To survive the tidal wave of compulsive behavior and addiction, Christians must learn to breathe under water and discover God s love and compassion. In this exploration of Twelve Step spirituality, Rohr identifies the Christian principles in the Twelve Steps, connecting The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous with the gospel. He draws on talks he has given for over twenty years to people in recovery and those who counsel and live with people with addictive behavior. Rohr offers encouragement for becoming interiorly alive and inspiration for making one's life manageable for dealing with the codependence and dysfunction (sin) rampant in our society.

“Brother Rohr may just take you to places you’ve both avoided and longed for, to truth, union, joy, laughter, and, greatest of all, to your own precious self, here on earth with us, child of God.”—Anne Lamott, from the foreword

We all suffer from unhealthy dependencies that we continually return to in hopes of having a better life. But after yet another TV show is streamed or another drink is swallowed, we find we once again feel worse, not better, than we did before. Where is the hope for that fully awakened life we long to live? 
World-renowned author Richard Rohr says we can only be healed and find true fulfillment by facing our dependencies head-on. In Breathing Under Water he will guide you to:

  • Disentangle from cultural cycles of sin and emptiness
  • Discover how to get free from your personal toxic dependencies
  • Learn how the Twelve Step program can supplement Christian teaching
  • Find compassion for others and yourself
  • Enjoy a deeper spiritual life, feeling certain of God’s love for you

Those who are ready to break negative patterns and experience greater internal freedom will find bold hope and transformation in this insightful book.